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Social Media in the Work Force

Haley Jolstead

Apps on a mobile device

McDonald's, the multi-billion dollar restaurant chain, is using Snapchat to recruit and hire 250,000 employees in the United States stores alone.

Through what the company named their "Snaplication," they hope to reach their target employees, all aged on average between 16 and 24, through the devices that never leave their hands.

Social media, a term which has gained popularity in the last 10 years, is a unique challenge to many industries around the world. Journalists and newspaper CEOs find that the rising generation gets their news from their phones and tablets, not traditional newspaper. Musicians find that millennials listen to their music from subscription-based services like Spotify or Apple Music to stream music instead of buying a CD.

So is McDonald's brilliant for reaching potential employees through social media? Or are they lowering their business standards?

Jez Langhorn, Senior Director in Human Resources for the United States' franchises, thinks it will allow for positive growth and change in those they reach through social media.

"As we see the younger generations seeking out their first jobs, we want to make them aware of the great opportunities available at McDonald’s, especially considering we’re committed to being America’s best first job," he said in a news release from McDonald's.

What are your thoughts? Is social media the new way to hire your employees? How have you implemented social media in your company? Comment below to join the discussion.

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