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Cloud vs. On-Premesis Storage

Haley Jolstead

An important decision of any business, big or small, is how to store data. Whether that is customer information, spreadsheets with quarterly revenue, or in-house documents, data needs to go somewhere people can access it on demand. So where should you store your data; on premises unit or the cloud?

What’s the Difference?

The difference between on-prem storage and cloud storage is like the difference between a landline phone and a cell phone. Landlines have been used since the telephone was invented. They are reliable, easy to use, and easy to understand. With a landline telephone, it’s easy to see how everything connects.

Cell phones are the next generation of the telephone, and don’t have nearly as many restrictions as landlines. With a cell phone, you don’t have to be home to make a phone call. They are versatile and have many more features than just making a phone call.

Does that mean a landline is obsolete? Not at all. New models for landline telephones are released all the time with new improvements and features. And for many people, if it isn’t broken, why fix it?

Benefits of On Premises Storage

On prem storage is the tried and true method of storing data. It is a good storage solution for businesses who want to see where their data is going and keep it close to their location. Some businesses find great peace of mind knowing that their data storage is somewhere they can see it, like in their business location, or in a nearby city.

While the initial cost of on prem storage is higher, across many years, the total cost of ownership can be lower. And due to the proximity of the storage units to the business, connectivity is faster with on premises storage, ideal for companies that can’t afford millisecond delays.

Benefits of Cloud Storage

The cloud is the next generation of data storage. It has all the same functionality of On-Prem storage with a greater amount of flexibility.

Businesses of all sizes are choosing cloud storage because it has smaller start up and maintenance costs, as compared to on prem counter parts. The cloud can handle all data needs, from a grandmother who wants to save pictures of her grandkids, to Fortune 500 Companies, like Netflix, who need to store petabytes of data.

Cloud storage is great for growing businesses. If a company is rapidly expanding and changing business locations every few years, data can still be accessed in every new location. Cloud storage also allows for employees to securely access information from anywhere at any time, with an internet connection. If a business has remote workers or traveling employees, cloud storage allows for files to be saved and shared to one place without the need for an email to be sent with every change or update to a file.

Contrary to some opinions, cloud storage is just as secure, if not more secure than on prem storage. When you store data in the cloud, that data is being sent to a storage center somewhere in the world. These locations are specialized to handle storage and high data needs, including being protected against security risks.

Especially important for businesses in disaster prone areas, having your information stored in the cloud ensures that should a physical location be wiped out by a natural disaster, information is still safe and accessible.

Benefits of Hybrid Storage

The happy medium between Cloud and on premises storage is the hybrid design. In this type of storage, data is stored on the cloud for safety, but individually cached on each device for quick access. As long as there is an internet connection, the data is replicated to each device to keep versioning of documents up to date.

So which type of storage do you need? If you are unsure, or need help deciding which company fits your needs, reach out to us. We would love to help your business succeed.

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